SARMS During Post Cycle Therapy

What is Post Cycle Therapy?

Post cycle therapy is a process that involves specific compounds, nutrition, and often pharmaceutical drugs to help control levels of estrogen, re-regulate hormonal levels and get you back to normal after a cycle of anabolic steroids.

  1. For any PCT to work a few areas need to be covered:
  2. Restarting HPTA (hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis)
  3. Preventing Catabolism as cortisol rises.
  4. Preventing fat gain, but still consuming enough calories to hold on to muscle.
  5. Minimizing strength loss.

The Perfect PCT:

  1. Restarting HTPA: Protectt 2.0 (Liquid Nolva). We suggest the use of Protectt, to effectively help in recovery during PCT. The main problem here is while you are using your SARM to restart your HPTA, your body has gone from having supraphysiological levels of androgens to now, in all likely hood, non-existent ones. During this transition, as your own testosterone levels start to rise, your body is in a very catabolic state. The high IGF levels caused by the androgens have plummeted, and cortisol is on the rampage eating away at your hard earned muscle. To top it all off, your nitrogen retention will be near zero, so muscles will be desperate for nutrients which they won’t be receiving.
  2. Preventing Catabolism and minimizing strength loss during PCT: The first thing we will need is a non-suppressive anabolic component, DECAVAAR 2.0 (MK 2866) is the perfect supplement. A low dose of 1ml every day will prevent your hard earned muscle from being lost, help lower cortisol and increase IGF and nitrogen levels. Nitrogen retention is also very important for healthy erections, as well as increasing muscle pumps, and providing an anabolic environment for muscles. Much the same way as the popular anabolic steroid Primobolan works.
    Now that cortisol levels are lowered, the number of free testosterone increases as cortisol will bind to testosterone and make it inactive. The other obvious reason why GH PEP 2.0 (MK-677) should be used is because of the psychological benefit, nobody wants to see hard earned strength and muscle disappear before their eyes, and the addition of GH Pep to your PCT will provide the edge you need as you recover.
  3. Pre-PCT: We suggest the use of 1ml of STANAZINNE 2.0 (S4), before the end of the cycle – in the last 8 weeks (closing out the cycle).  This will increase nitrogen retention and GH release, and as shown in studies its pretty potent. Administration of S4 @ 1ml resulted in an increase in IGF-1 levels during 6 weeks of administration. It doesn’t have any adverse affect on cortisol levels either, so its a great addition to minimize muscle loss, and increase recovery during the last phases of your cycle.
  4. Preventing fat gain while keeping calories high: This is where the magic of CARDIO SHREDD 2.0 (CARDARINE OR GW0742) comes in. Cardio Shredd is a PPAR modulator, which means it activates the same pathways activated through exercise, including PPARδ and AMP-activated protein kinase. Cardio Shredd regulates fat burning through a number of different pathways which includes exercising mimetic effects. It increases glycogen retention in skeletal muscle tissue while increasing muscle gene expression. This shift changes the body’s metabolism to allow for more fat burning and for energy instead of carbohydrates or protein as the source of fuel. This is why the main reason why it’s being looked into as a treatment for diabetes. It will allow the patients to endure an overly catabolic state; therefore, allowing energy levels and health conditions to be stable. Cardio Shredd clearly demonstrates that it increases muscle mass while keeping glucose from touching the adipose tissue. Treatments with SHRED (GW0742) have been shown to increase HDL cholesterol by up to 79%.
    The real beauty of this is far more calories can be consumed, allowing muscle to be spared especially when you consider that CARDIO SHREDD 2.0 (CARDARINE OR GW0742) actually increases glycogen retention. It also increases stamina and energy helping you get through your workouts during a tough period of hormonal recovery. At the same time, fat loss will be seen and fat gain prevented.

Overview of the Perfect PCT:

  1. Restarting HPTA: PROTECTT 2.0 (LIQUID NOLVA): A dose of 1ml per day of PROTECTT (LiquidNolva) is recommended. Each bottle has 30ml with an average dose being 1ml. Each bottle contains 30+ days of use. Cycle Length: 2 – 4 Weeks or as required. Take 1ml of Protect 2.0 in the morning.
  2. Preventing Catabolism as cortisol rises:DECAVAAR 2.0 (MK 2866) 1ml every day for 4 weeks.
  3. Preventing fat gain, but still consuming enough calories to hold on to muscle:
    CARDIO SHREDD 2.0 (CARDARINE OR GW0742) 1ml every day for 4 weeks.
  4. Minimizing strength loss:
    – DECAVAAR 2.0 (MK 2866) 1ml every day for 4 weeks (not in addition to point 2)


DECAVAAR 2.0 (MK 2866) and CARDIO SHREDD 2.0 (CARDARINE OR GW0742) are a great addition to any PCT. They both work to combat very common sides associated with PCT such as catabolism as the result of increased cortisol, strength loss and fat gain. When combined with traditional SARMS (HPTA re-starters) the result is returning your body back to its natural state minus the negative side effects associated with discontinuing anabolic.

Where Can I Purchase SARMS?

You can purchase SARMS directly from Platinum Research Compounds by clicking here.
Any questions our team of research professionals will be here to assist via the chat function or the contact page.
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