Rise 2.0 : Best Testosterone Booster – Is it Right For You?


More muscle, greater strength, bigger gains, and less fat.This is what every weightlifter and athlete pursues through relentless training. Diet, exercise, and sleep all affect your ability to build muscle and lose fat, but underneath all of that something even more vital governs your inherent ability to produce gains and shed fat – testosterone!

Testosterone is the ultimate “alpha” hormone that makes a man a real man and is your ally in the war for gains. With it, your capacity for muscle-building is limitless, without it and you’ll be curling those cute, pink dumbbells for the rest of your lifting days.
The problem is, every man’s testosterone levels start to fall off as the year’s tick by. So, even if you are blessed with naturally high T-levels, eventually they’re going to start dwindling as the gray hairs set in. But, all is not hopeless.

There is a wonderful class of supplements known as natural testosterone boosters which can help support and restore optimal testosterone production so you can keep making gains in the gym (and bedroom!) even in your golden years!We’ve got some of the most effective natty options available below, but before we get there, here’s a bit more info on who needs them and some warning signs to be aware of in case you suspect you might have low testosterone.


Who Needs Testosterone Boosters

In our youth, testosterone production is surging, and it’s estimated by endocrinologists that men reach their peak testosterone levels between ages 25-30. Some research has even noted that total testosterone peaks at an average age of 19 years and declines steadily until an average age of 40 years. Whether it’s 19 or 30 isn’t the main point though. The simple truth of the matter is that once you hit 30, you’ve reached your max natural testosterone levels and from there it’s a slow and steady tumble downhill for natural testosterone production.On top of that, it’s not just age that affects testosterone production, but also stress, depression, obesity, and lack of physical activity all can play a role in low testosterone levels.So, even if you’re not over the age of 30, but are in an unhappy place in your life or out of shape, you can stand to greatly benefit from natural testosterone boosters.The level is <300 ng/dL

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

There’s numerous signs of low testosterone that can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Here’s a few to keep an eye on. Though, if you do suspect you may be lacking in testosterone, meet with a doc who can really check your levels, and if he finds that your free testosterone levels are <300 ng/dL you are definitely low.

Significantly reduced desire for sex

  • Fewer erections that occur spontaneously (i.e. during sleep)
  • Infertility
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased strength/muscle mass
  • Weak, fragile bones
  • Decreased body hair
  • Swelling and/or tenderness in the breast (chest) tissue
  • Hot flashes
  • Increased fatigue
  • Adverse effects on cholesterol levels
  • Reduced height


Benefits of Test Boosters

Low testosterone isn’t a death sentence though. Thankfully, researchers and supplement companies are investing significant time and money to create the most powerful, all natural testosterone boosting supplements with virtually no side effects. These powerful supplements are rife with benefits including:

  • Enhance testosterone production
  • Improve lean body mass
  • Increase muscle protein synthesis
  • Supercharge libido and sexual stamina
  • Reduce body fat
  • Decrease fatigue
  • Elevate mood
  • Boost athletic performance
  • Regulate blood glucose levels

Platinum Research Compounds offers you the Best Testosterone Boosting supplements around.
Rise 2.0 (Liquid Cialis) is the latest and greatest product from Platinum Research Compounds formulated to significantly enhance both free and total testosterone levels by means of natural compounds.


Low testosterone is no laughing matter. Your gains and manhood are on the line, and when it comes to those two things, there’s no room for error. Safe, natural, and effective testosterone boosters are available, now it’s just up to you to invest wisely.

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